Omega Fatty Acids: Getting Down to the Grass Roots

Omega Fatty Acids: Getting Down to the Grass Roots

Posted by Nurse Mary on 20th Sep 2024

Have you ever wondered why some meats and fats are better for you than others? What are these Omega Fats, anyway? These are very important questions to ask.

I will explain to you why the fat ratio of meat and eggs can be affected by the animal’s feed and living conditions. I’ll also touch on why feeding an animal organic feed doesn’t mean it was fed the nutrients needed to create healthy meat.

What are Omega Fatty Acids?

To figure out what Omega fatty acids are, we will touch on just the basics. Fats are compounds called lipids. They are chemical compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fatty acids are the refined fuel forms of fat, and some cells, like the heart, prefer them over glucose (sugar). Fatty acids are named according to the number of carbons in their chain. For example, there is Omega 3 and Omega 6.The shorter the chain, the healthier the fat. There are fewer carbons in an Omega 3’s chain which has to do with why they are better for you. Your HDL (Good Cholesterol) comes from Omega 3’s.

Now, we need to know this because there are certain Fatty Acids that are considered “Essential”. This means that we need to get them from the foods we eat. They are Linoleic, Linolenic and Arachidonic. But actually Linoleic is the only one that our body cannot make, so it is dependent on diet.

Grass fed cattle. Pastured beef

Fatty acids have many important functions

Linoleic Acid

  • Linoleic acid strengthens cell membranes and helps prevent skin breakdown like eczema and skin lesions.
  • Linoleic acid combines with cholesterol to move it through the blood and helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • All three types of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) help with blood clotting.
  • Linoleic acid is a precursor of many hormone-like substances in the body. One of these hormone-like substances is Prostaglandin.

Prostaglandin was originally thought to originate in the prostate gland, hence its name, but it is actually present in all body tissue. Omega 3 fatty acids are precursors of prostaglandin. It is formed from Linoleic acid that is an (EFA) and must come from dietary intake.

Prostaglandin acts as a hormone to directly coordinate important biological functions. Some of the functions are:

  • Controls the smooth muscle tone (smooth muscles are the involuntary muscles like those around the heart and blood vessels)
  • Affects platelet aggregation (blood clotting)
  • Controls inflammation reaction and immune response
  • For these reasons, they are very important in Cardiovascular Disease.

The longer the chain of Fatty Acids, the harder it is for the body to absorb them.

For this reason, Omega 3’s are much easier to absorb than Omega 6‘s. They both compete in the body for the same receptor sites, so it is important to have a higher dietary intake of Omega 3’s than Omega 6’s. We want Omega 3’s to get to the receptor sites in larger numbers than Omega 6’s.

Omega 3 fatty acids are not present in grains and very low amounts are present in hay.

In order to have Omega 3’s in the meat we eat, the animals need to be pasture raised. As a comparison:

  • In grain-fed beef, Omega 3’s are 1 and Omega 6’s are 20
  • In grass-fed beef Omega 3’s are 1 and Omega 6’s are 3
Medical experts have found people who consume Omega 3’s to Omega 6’s at a ratio higher than 1:4 are more likely to have health problems.
Cattle finished on pasture makes the best

By eating pastured meats like beef, pork and chicken, not only do we lower our risk of heart problems, but just by this change alone, the average American can lower their calorie intake by about 17,700 calories a year.

Home on the range

The Difference in Eggs of Pastured Chickens

Free Range Chickens that are raised in areas where they can range and eat vegetables, grass, insects, and a small amount of corn, have a higher amount of Omega 3’s in their eggs. For example:

  • In confinement chicken eggs, Omega 3’s are 1 and Omega 6’s are 20
  • In range-fed chicken eggs, Omega 3’s are 5 and Omega 6’s are 1

The eggs of range-fed chickens have a higher number of Omega 3’s than Omega 6’s. This means they would be very good for you, and could even help lower cholesterol levels in your body. Flaxseed is high in Omega 3’s and is a great feed source to boost Omega 3’s in the meat and eggs of chickens.

Pasture raised chicken

Beware of labeling

For example, an animal raised on “Organic Feed” still may not have a healthy ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids present in the meat. This is because even organically raised grains do not have healthy levels of Omega 3 fatty acids present. Fish is high in Omega 3’s, but so many of our water sources are contaminated with Mercury that it may be safer to eat Pastured Meats.

It is no wonder that down-home, country-living has a reputation of making you healthy and strong. Eating the right foods, raised in the right conditions, can make a big difference in the way you feel and the way your body functions.

Product Suggestions for Healthy Omega’s and for Cholesterol Management:

sunset on the farm

Until next time – Be Well !